New Certificate Options Enable Master’s Students to Customize their Duke BME Degree
As one of the top 10 biomedical engineering programs in the country, Duke BME is an ideal home for students who wish to pursue a graduate degree.
Introducing Aaron Kyle
New faculty member Aaron Kyle hopes to expand and enhance the biomedical engineering design programs for students inside and outside Duke.
AI-Powered Golden Sheet Pushes the Boundaries of Soft Materials
Engineers at Duke University have developed a scalable soft surface that can continuously reshape itself to mimic objects in nature. Relying on electromagnetic actuation, mechanical modeling and machine learning to form new configurations, the surface can even learn to adapt to hindrances such as broken elements, unexpected constraints or changing environments.
“Nothing short of a revolution”: How the Internet of Things is shaping accessible tech
For hundreds of years, the luminous white marble domes and minarets of the Taj Mahal made it one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks. In the 1980s, though, the icon began to lose its luster.
Thinking Outside the Classroom
From the stairs of Duke Chapel to the most remote parts of the world, civil engineering students discover the fun in seeing practical knowledge put to work.
Engineering the End of Forever
A tale of two Duke CEE researchers working to identify and obliterate the “forever chemicals” tainting North Carolina’s drinking water.
Beyond the Pinnacle
With the additions of Guillermo Sapiro in 2022, Duke ECE now has four faculty members who belong to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). The NAE’s peer-elected members hail from business, academia, and government and are among the world’s most accomplished engineers.
SMIF – Thinking Small
Duke’s Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility cultivates a collaborative and empowering environment for engineers who work at the tiniest scales.
Not All Who Wander Are Lost
Growth comes from the exploration, and Duke University’s two undergraduate schools, the Pratt School of Engineering and the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, offer endless opportunities for students to explore as they chart their individual courses.